Limit Your Credit Exposure, Not Your Business - iGCB

Limit Your Credit Exposure, Not Your Business

Comprehensive & Multi-dimensional Exposure Management with Intellect Collateral and Limit Management System

Ranked Number 1 in
Digital Lending

Intellect Collateral & Limits Management (CLMS) is an enterprise wide platform for real-time exposure and collateral monitoring across islands of systems. The centralised asset management system supports the entire lifecycle of an asset and its collateralisation for all credit offerings across the organization.

Intellect CLMS is built with a proactive limit monitoring and control mechanism which allows banks to have a single source of truth for both secured and unsecured exposures for a given customer relationship. The ability of the system to provide a consolidated, real-time credit exposure view helps the risk department take real time informed decisions.

Evolve, and Transform

  • Centralized real-time monitoring across varied lines of business
  • Organization hierarchy with shared exposures
  • Individual & Group limits
  • Secured & Unsecured limits
  • Revolving or Fixed credit
  • Drawing power adjustment etc.
  • Exposure capping across multiple dimensions
  • Industry, Currency , Branch, Counterparty, Country, Product type
  • Counter party or Risk party exposure – Dealers, Manufacturers, Supply Chain vendors
  • Single view of borrower’s exposure across multiple levels
  • Real-time Exposure tracking at group level
  • Multiple entities, Divisions and their utilized & unutilized facilities
  • Security coverage adequacy across hierarchy
  • Collateral drawing limited to a specific entity or shared across entities
  • Collateral sizing and pooling
  • Automated/ Batch based re-evaluation for real time coverage
  • Lifecycle alerts for Documentation, Insurance and Assignments

Manage Risks Effectively with Intellect Collateral and Limit Management System

Benchmarked by KPMG to Handle

Limit Your Credit Exposure, Not Your Business

Active Loans

Limit Your Credit Exposure, Not Your Business

Transactions Per Second

Limit Your Credit Exposure, Not Your Business

Average Originations Per Day

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