
حلول التكنولوجيا الرقمية المصممة خصيصاً للبنوك المركزية

Accelerating Progressive
Transformation for Central Banks

Intellect Quantum stands as the world’s premier core banking solution, distinguished by its central bank-specific functionalities. Built on the eMACH.ai platform (Events, Microservices, API, Cloud, and Headless), it streamlines and enhances central banking operations, ensuring financial market stability and reducing complexity. Offering unmatched efficiency, composability, maintainability, and scalability, Intellect Quantum adapts to the evolving needs of central banks. Beyond a core banking system, it includes comprehensive financial risk management, safeguarding the integrity of central banking operations. Choose Intellect Quantum for a future-proof, optimal financial technology solution.

113 Mn+ Benchmarked to Support Transactions per Year

99.999% Uptime with Robust and Scalable Architecture

750+ Central Banking Experts Building the Solution

30M+ ISO20022 Payment Messages Supported per Day


Faster Policy

Enables rapid policy rollout with integrated features,
enhancing central bank operational efficiency.



Easily integrates with existing systems, ensuring
smooth and flexible customizations for future needs.


Scalable to Future

Built to grow with evolving central banking needs,
ensuring long-term adaptability and robustness.

Reserve and Collateral Management
Banking and Government Services
Currency and Payment Life Cycle Management
Credit, Market, and FX Operations
إدارة الودائع والديون العامة
Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)

Delivers seamless composability, extensibility, integration, and security, empowering central banks with a future-proof solution.


Effectively implement the monetary policies and real-time control for maintaining financial stability.

Rapid policy implementation

  • Highly flexible business rules configuration with over 1000 prebuilt parameters
  • Enabling financial inclusion through direct to public payments for various government schemes

Zero Reconciliation and real-time Balance Sheet

  • Treasury Single Account (TSA) with real-time balance consolidation for government for improved fund management at the national level
  • Seamless navigation from general ledger (GL) to transaction level details at the click of a button

Realtime accurate data-driven decision making

  • 360’ degree view and real-time visibility on the financial health and risks of commercial banks & Governments
  • Real-time monitoring of currency in circulation

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Asia Pacific Intellect Quantum

دراسة حالة: التحديث التدريجي في بنك الاحتياطي الهندي

  • 95% reduction in operational risk

  • Elimination of reconciliation for 30,000+ transactions

  • Processing capacity of over 100 million transactions per day

جميع المنتجات
جميع المنتجات

إنتليكت تحتل المرتبة رقم 3 في الريادة العالمية - الانتشار الجغرافي في جدول دوري مبيعات IBSi 2024

جميع المنتجات
جميع المنتجات

إنتلكت تحتل المرتبة الثانية بين الشركات الرائدة إقليميًا في أمريكا الشمالية في جدول دوري مبيعات IBSi 2024

Digital Core
Digital Core

التصنيف رقم 1 للخدمات المصرفية الأساسية للأفراد في جدول دوري مبيعات IBSi لعام 2024

Digital Core
Digital Core

فازت شركة آي دي سي بجائزة "التميز في تجربة العملاء" عن تطبيق بنك أحدو لجائزة "الريادة الرقمية في إثيوبيا 2023". فاز بنك أحدو بجائزة التميز في القيادة الرقمية.

Digital Core
Digital Core

فازت منصة Intellect Digital Core (IDC) التابعة لشركة iGCB بجائزة "التكنولوجيا المتقدمة" من شركة iGCB، وحصلت على تصنيف عالٍ بين المنصات المصرفية الأساسية العالمية في تقرير سيلنت الدولي لتحليل النظم المصرفية الأساسية بعنوان "تقييم سوق النظم المصرفية الأساسية الدولية".

Digital Core eMACH.ai DEP
Digital Core eMACH.ai DEP

تم تصنيفها كشركة رائدة في تقرير "The Forrester Wave لمنصات المعالجة المصرفية الرقمية للخدمات المصرفية للأفراد، الربع الثالث من عام 2022

Digital Core
Digital Core

الفائز بجائزة الرقمنة الأكثر فاعلية في تطبيق Intellect Digital Core في بنك جاناتا

لا توجد مشاركات حديثة في فئتي "الأخبار" أو "الأحداث".


What distinguishes Intellect Quantum from traditional core banking systems?

Intellect Quantum is designed for central banks, offering integrated solutions to tackle challenges like complex regulations and real-time data management.


How does Intellect Quantum facilitate government services?

Intellect Quantum provides an online banking services portal that enhances interaction between banks and government entities, streamlining processes such as tax collection, payments, and public debt management.


What performance metrics does Intellect Quantum achieve?

Intellect Quantum supports over 113 million transactions per day, handles more than 30 million ISO20022 payment messages daily, and boasts a remarkable uptime of 99.999%, ensuring reliable and efficient operation.


How does Intellect Quantum enhance security and resilience?

Intellect Quantum incorporates robust security measures, including role-based access, advanced encryption, and continuous monitoring, ensuring the integrity and resilience of central banking operations against potential threats.


What types of operations does Intellect Quantum support?

Intellect Quantum supports a wide range of operations, including real-time financial statements, liquidity management, national payments systems, and comprehensive risk analytics for effective decision-making.