AmericasDigital CoreEvents

Sibos 2017

Sibos 2017

October 16th-19th, 2017 | Canada:

iQuantum was in action at SIBOS 2017, with specific focus on Collateral Management, Payment and Core banking.

iQuantum has been upgraded with several new modules and gone live in Europe, Africa and other Continents, and new Central Banks have signed up with Intellect to align their systems to cope with transforming business needs. Our customers have appreciated the super intuitive user interface and the improvements to the real-time 360 degree Dashboard for integrated operations and prudential oversight.

We organised an exlusive “Lunch & Learn Session” for top central bank executives to discuss on the new initiatives in payment systems and how central banks can adopt the ‘National Payment System’ by learning from the implementation at Reserve Bank of India (RBI).

Mr. Vijay Chugh, Retd. Principal Chief General Manager, RBI, shared his experiences to the elite central bankers in an eventful brainstorming session.